The Indispensable IEP Rubric and Checklist

Staff of the Indiana Secondary Transition Resource Center (INSTRC) recently updated, improved, and republished the Transition IEP Rubric and the Indiana Transition Compliance Checklist for Indicator 13 compliance. The latest versions will help those of you creating compliant and quality Transition IEPs for your students, and they’ll guide district and school administrators and coordinators who are monitoring Transition IEPs for federal compliance.

The Compliance Checklist is available as a text-only version that may be more accessible to screen reader users. It’s also available in a more visual chart format that allows you to indicate yes or no to the 10 questions and sub-questions posed in the checklist.
The Transition IEP Rubric is a more in-depth guide covering assessments, postsecondary goals, transition services and activities, annual goals, and more. Screenshots from the Indiana IEP (IIEP) explain where specific information should be entered in the online IIEP.

With this year’s Rubric we’ve included extensive appendices featuring examples and comparisons of 1) quality, compliant, and noncompliant transition services and activities, and 2) quality, compliant and noncompliant annual goals statements.

You can also find both documents anytime by searching for “Rubric” or “Checklist” on the INSTRC Resource Search page.