Meet three Indiana students who are defining success their way. By creating individualized support systems, these young adults are looking forward to futures that include family, friends, activities, work and promise.
Transition Success Videos
After graduating with her class, Linzy completed a community transition program that has been placing 18-21 year olds in a variety of paid work experiences. Linzy, who lives with her mother, independently uses both the public bus system and a dial-a-ride service that takes her around town and to her music lessons.
In addition to working as a landscape assistant at a golf course, Dallas loves lifting weights at a local gym. He lives with his mother and father who help with transportation, but he also uses a transportation service set up through an area disability service provider. Dallas recently purchased a new home gym, which he single-handedly assembled in his basement.
At the time of this video, Natalie was a college senior, living on campus, where in addition to being a member of a sorority, she kept active studying, writing for her blog, filming videos, and giving motivational speeches. Prior to graduating, she completed a summer internship in California, did volunteer work, and participated in service learning projects.