Below, you will see resource links for state and national resources.
State and National Links

State Links
Arc of Indiana - Supports the work of the local chapters of the Arc, and serves as the spokesperson to the community at large for people with developmental disabilities.
ASK Indiana - About Special Kids is a resource and information website for Indiana professionals and parents of children with special needs.
Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services (BDDS) - Provides services to individuals with developmental disabilities to enable them to live as independently as possible in their communities.
Center for Youth and Adults with Conditions of Childhood (CYACC)--provides resources and information to youth with special health care needs. CYACC offers consultation and care coordination for 1) youth, ages 11 to 22 with special needs (chronic conditions, developmental delay, physical disabilities), as they prepare for the transition to adult life, and 2) adults with specific needs due to their childhood illnesses or developmental disabilities.
Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services (DDRS) - Manages the delivery of services to children and adults with developmental disabilities. Oversees the First Steps rehabilitation program for children from birth to age three.
Division of Family Resources - Receives applications and approves eligibility for Medicaid, Food Stamps, TANF (cash assistance) and childcare. Operates in all 92 counties. Administers childcare licensing and inspection program.
Division of Mental Health and Addiction - Supports a network of mental health care providers, operates six psychiatric hospitals, and funds addiction prevention and treatment programs.
Indiana Disability Rights (formerly known as Indiana Protection and Advocacy Services) - Created to protect and advocate for the rights of people with disabilities. IDR is Indiana's federally designated Protection and Advocacy (P&A) system and client assistance program.
Independent Living Centers - A listing of and links to Indiana’s eight centers for independent living. Indiana School-to-Work Collaborative—a transition research project, facilitated by the Center on Community Living and Careers, that is evaluating the effectiveness of embedding employment specialists within high schools.
IN*Source - Indiana’s Parent Training and Information Center for families with special needs.
Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning - Administers Medicaid programs including the managed care system for Hoosier Healthwise participants. Performs medical review of Medicaid disability claims.
Project SEARCH Indiana - Information about the development of Project SEARCH in Indiana.
The Learn More Resource Center (formerly ICPAC) - Indiana's Pre-K to College Connection
Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VRS) - Supports people with disabilities as they seek and obtain employment.
Think College Indiana - A website designed to help young people with developmental/intellectual disabilities and their families explore post-secondary options in Indiana.
National Links
APH CareerConnect - An employment information resource developed by the American Printing House for the Blind for job seekers who are blind or visually impaired. CareerConnect presents employment information, career exploration tools, and extensive job seeking guidance for students and adults with vision loss and the professionals who work with them.
HEATH Resource Center - The HEATH Resource Center of George Washington University is a national clearinghouse on post-secondary education for individuals with disabilities. Topics included about educational support services, policies, procedures, adaptations, and opportunities at American campuses, vocational-technical schools, and other post-secondary training entities.
IDEA Partnerships - The IDEA Partnership is dedicated to improving outcomes for students and youth with disabilities by joining state agencies and stakeholders through shared work and learning.
National Dropout Prevention Center for Students with Disabilities - Assists local and state education agencies, state VR agencies, and service providers as they implement evidence-based and promising practices ensuring that students with disabilities graduate prepared for success in post-secondary education and employment.
National Technical Assistance Center on Transition - Assists local and state education agencies, state VR agencies, and service providers as they implement evidence-based and promising practices ensuring that students with disabilities graduate prepared for success in postsecondary education and employment.
Project SEARCH - A collaborative model developed at Cincinnati Children's Hospital to provide innovative workforce and career development experiences to people with disabilities.
U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services - OSERS provides a wide array of supports to parents and individuals, school districts, and states in three main areas: special education, vocational rehabilitation, and research.
Youthhood - A transition planning website for teens.