On this page:
- Training and Technical Assistance for Transition IEPs
- IEP and Portfolio Webinars
- Transition Educators Facilitating Employment Course
- The Transition Miniseries
- Transition Open Office Hours
- Additional Resources
On this page:
Transition can be a tricky business. Every student is different. Rules and regulations change. Documentation demands your attention.
Individualizing a Transition IEP takes time and know-how. Indiana's middle and high school teachers understand that it's an ongoing process involving a magic mix of coaching, evaluation, mentoring, skills development, and collaboration. That's the fine art of creating a smooth transition to life beyond high school to employment, community participation, further education and/or training, and independent living with appropriate supports.
Key to making the magic all work, however, is understanding the components of a good transition and how to build on those individual pieces every year so that teachers, students, and case conference teams construct a compliant and quality Transition IEP.
The Indiana Secondary Transition Resource Center is here to help.
INSTRC is excited to announce our 2025 intensive Transition IEP and Transition Portfolio Trainings, “From Transition IEP Knowledge to Portfolio Application.” These trainings consist of 6 separate one and a half hour sessions focusing on quality aspects of each section of the transition IEP and how these sections intersect with a quality transition portfolio. Join us for each training that will include breakout room work sessions. At this time participants can ask specific questions and gain support in needed areas.
INSTRC is excited to offer the Transition Educators Facilitating Employment course, starting January 13, 2025! This 10-week, comprehensive online training gives educators, specialists, Pre-ETS providers, transition coordinators, and other professionals the foundation, techniques, and effective strategies necessary for successful adult vocational transition.
Course modules include:
This online, self-paced course costs $250.
The 13-course miniseries is free online training from INSTRC. Each course (they’re brief!) is designed to help you become more familiar with the components of the cyclical planning process and support you as you create quality Transition IEPs with your students.
Courses in the Transition Miniseries are:
You can complete the entire series or individual courses. The miniseries is designed both for teachers new to the field and for teachers and administrators who just want a refresher. Upon completing courses, you can receive contact hours used toward Professional Growth Points, up to a total of 21 contact hours for completing the entire miniseries.
The Transition Miniseries is provided online through IU Expand. The IU Expand link to the Transition Miniseries will give you information on how to create an IU Guest Account and enroll.
INSTRC hosts Comprehensive Transition Open Office Hours every Thursday, from 2:30–4:30 p.m., Eastern Time
Stop by to chat with subject matter experts in private breakout rooms.
Our team will be standing by to help you with these and many other transition-related matters of interest. Feel free to drop in with your question or just listen in to learn what your colleagues are asking.
You do not need to pre-register. Follow the Zoom link below to attend on Thursdays.
Find more Transition IEP resources by clicking on the "Transition IEP" filter box on the left side of the Resource Search page.
Need accommodations? Contact us at INSTRC@iu.edu at least three weeks before your Transition Talk or Open Office Hours. Let us know what accommodations you’ll need and for which dates you’ll need them.