The 13-course miniseries is free online training from INSTRC. Each course (they’re brief!) is designed to help you become more familiar with the components of the cyclical planning process and support you as you create quality Transition IEPs with your students.
Courses in the Transition Miniseries are:
- Transition Miniseries Introduction
- Student Involvement
- Transition IEP: Introduction
- Transition IEP: Present Levels of Function Performance
- Transition IEP: Transition Assessments and Postsecondary Goals
- Transition IEP: Transition Services and Activities
- Transition IEP: Annual Goals
- Transition IEP: Alignment/ Conclusion
- Transition Portfolios
- Transition Programs within Schools
Adult Services - Transition Miniseries Conclusion and Resources
You can complete the entire series or individual courses. The miniseries is designed both for teachers new to the field and for teachers and administrators who just want a refresher. Receive up to a total of 21 contact hours to be used toward Professional Growth Points for completing the entire miniseries.
The Transition Miniseries is provided online through IU Expand. The IU Expand link to the Transition Miniseries will give you information on how to create an IU Guest Account and enroll.