The Transition IEP must include transition assessments, postsecondary goals, transition services, and annual goals for all students. It can be a challenge to ensure that every section of the Transition IEP includes quality information for students with significant disabilities.
We have compiled the following resources to help you write quality Transition IEPs for students with high support needs. Each of these is available on the INSTRC website.
- Present Levels IEP Example for Student with High Support Needs – Josie is 19 years old, uses a wheelchair, and has been given a label of severe cognitive disability.
- Transition Assessments, Postsecondary Goals, Transition Services, and Annual Goal Examples for Student with High Support Needs – Josie (same student described in present levels example). This is an example of a quality Transition IEP, showing good alignment from postsecondary goals through transition assessments, transition services, and annual goals.
- Assessing Students with High Support Needs: Resource List – A list of 17 transition assessments that are appropriate for students with high support needs.
- Postsecondary Goal Information for Students with High Support Needs – This postsecondary goal description (employment, education and training, independent living) is taken from the “Transition IEP Miniseries.” The description includes compliant examples and information about postsecondary goals appropriate for students with high support needs.
The resources above are all available on the INSTRC website. Find them by typing “high support needs” in the Resource Search field.