The Transition IEP Guidebook Case Studies: Meet Lucy and Rita
By now you’ve heard the exciting news that the Transition IEP Guidebook has a new look with updated features to guide you through writing a transition IEP. One exciting new component in the Transition IEP Guidebook is the case studies of two students receiving special education services.
Lucy is a 15-year-old high school student with significant impacts of disability. She has a severe cognitive disability and is on an alternative diploma track.
Rita is a high school senior on a diploma track that receives speech services for a speech impairment classified as stuttering. She has frequent problems with the normal fluency and flow of speech that inhibit her ability to speak and communicate frequently.
As you make your way through the Guidebook, you will learn how to create a quality and useful document in each section of the transition IEP. Follow Lucy and Rita's journeys to understand each section of the transition IEP, including:
- Present Levels of Academic and Functional Performance
- Summary of Findings of Age-Appropriate Transition Assessments
- Postsecondary Goals
- Transition Services and Activities
- Annual Goal Statements
Lucy and Rita’s examples, the direct transition services and annual goal examples, and other transition information included make the Guidebook a valuable resource for educators.
Bonus Tips:
The Transition Educators Facilitating Employment course starts on January 13, 2025! This 10-week, comprehensive online training gives educators, specialists, Pre-ETS providers, transition coordinators, and other professionals the foundation, techniques, and effective strategies necessary for successful adult vocational transition.
Course modules include:
- Developing Transition Programs within the Traditional School Environment
- The Evolution of Supported and Customized Employment
- Principles of Supported and Customized Employment
- Roles, Responsibilities, and Expectations
- Discovery and Customized Employment
- Marketing for Employment Services
- Job Development, Training, and Workplace Supports
- Assistive Technology
- Federal Programs for Businesses and People with Disabilities
- Criminal Justice Involvement
This online, self-paced course costs $250. For more information and to register, visit the CCLC Transition Educators Training webpage.
We invite you to participate in Comprehensive Transition Open Office Hours every Thursday from 2:30 to 4:30 PM Eastern Time. During these sessions, you can speak with subject matter experts in dedicated breakout rooms. CCLC staff can address inquiries concerning transition portfolios, Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), Social Security Work Incentives, Vocational Rehabilitation, and other transition-related topics. To join, use the Zoom link.