Anatomy of a VR Pick List

One of the first steps for young adults eligible to receive employment services through Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) is to choose a community employment provider. VR and employment providers work with job seekers to identify their Individual Path for Employment. But how does a transitioning student choose an employment provider? With the assistance of the VR Pick List.

Once VR determines that a young adult is eligible for VR services, the VR counselor or intake staff member will share a VR Pick List with the job seeker and their family. (Note: Individuals working with area community rehabilitation providers will also receive a pick list through their case manager. This one’s different!)

The VR Pick List is available on the Indiana VR website for each county in the state. Job seekers and families are encouraged to look through the services offered by the employment providers in their area. Some providers specialize in providing services and supports to job seekers who are blind or vision impaired. Others offer benefits counseling or behavioral skills intervention. It’s important for job seekers and families to contact and interview providers to find the right match.

Review the VR Pick List for your county and share it with your VR-eligible students and their families.