Congratulations, You're Hired! Now What?

Sometimes, it comes as a bit of a surprise when students discover there’s more to the world of work than just interviews, applications, and getting hired. Thinking through the “what ifs” with students, families, and support staff can help new employees adjust and feel more comfortable on the job.

For instance:

  • What if I need a day off?  Do I text or call and who do I talk to?
  • What happens if I’m late?
  • How do I get to and from my job?
  • How do I find out my schedule?
  • Where do I eat lunch? If I bring my lunch, is there a refrigerator I should keep it in?
  • If they have a party at work, how many pieces of cake can I eat?
  • If I need to wear a uniform, how do I keep it clean?
  • What if I need a break while I’m working?
  • Is there someone at work who can answer my questions?

The website has an easy-read article that could be used as a resource for students and parents at career days or transition fairs.  Read and share “12 Steps for Easing the Transition to Work.”


Project SUCCESS needs your input! Please complete this short survey to help us determine the current needs for information and professional development related to the Certificate of Completion.  The survey will be open until February 9. Thanks!