The Teacher's Toolbox

This week the Indiana Secondary Transition Resource Center is highlighting a great resource from the Indiana Department of Education: The Teachers’ Toolbox!

The Teachers’ Toolbox is a content-focused resource newsletter for classroom instruction. The Toolbox is organized by both topic and grade levels. Content specialists provide classroom resources, strategies, and updates in their respective areas. In addition to specific content-area-focused resources, there is an ongoing section called, “Instruction and Access for ALL” which provides classroom resources and instructional strategies to promote equity and inclusion for all students, based on the principles of the Universal Design for Learning and Multi-Tiered System of Support frameworks.

The March 2017 issue, for example, contains links to:

• Six lesson plans on women’s history month
• “401 Prompts for Augmentative Writing”
• A video from the “Inclusive Class Project” demonstrating a step-by-step guide for modifying worksheets
• And much, much more

Current and past issues are located at: