What Is Customized Employment?

Simply put, customized employment is an individually negotiated job arrangement that matches a job seeker’s strengths with an employer’s identified needs. By considering both the needs of the job seeker and the employer, it  gives individuals with significant disabilities the opportunity to make meaningful contributions in the workplace.

Sometimes referred to as job creation, customized employment is referenced in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), the Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP), and the federal code (29 U.S. Code § 705).  

Talk with local employment providers in your area about how they work with both students and potential employers to facilitate customized employment placements. Some flexible strategies for customized employment include:

  • customizing a job description based on current employer needs or on a previously unidentified and unmet employer need;
  • developing a set of job duties, a work schedule and job arrangement, a job location, and specifics of supervision (including performance evaluation and review);
  • helping a student choose a professional who can work with the employer to facilitate customized placement; or helping a student work directly with an employer to facilitate placement; and
  • providing services and supports at the job location.

Why You Should Know About It

You can help those students who are likely to face challenges being hired in the labor market by doing two things. First, educate them about the existence and possibility of customized employment. One possible transition service and activity: Interview adult service providers about their staffs’ knowledge of and experience with customized employment. Second, work with the local Pre-ETS school-based staff person to identify the student’s most persistent and enduring skills (both hard and soft skills) that the student may offer an employer. Work together to describe an ideal employment outcome for the student. This will advance post-school employment options!
