Alignment of the Transition Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Over the years we have written several Tuesday's Tips on Transition IEP components and alignment. Quality, well-aligned IEPs are crucial for planning an education program focused on each student’s plans for employment, education, and if needed, independent living, after high school. As the new school year begins, we want to share some reminders about the Transition IEP.

Present Levels tell a story about the student’s current educational abilities. What do we currently know about the student regarding academics, functional skills, social skills, and physical and medical abilities and needs? You may also want to include information on communication, behavior, and sensory needs.

Transition Assessments help us understand the student’s SPIN (Strengths, Preferences, Interests, and Needs) in the areas of, education, employment, and independent living and lead directly to the postsecondary goals.

Postsecondary Goals are the student’s long-term preferences for employment, education/training and independent living based on information from current transition assessments. Where will the student work, learn, and live long-term?

Transition Services and Activities are specific activities aligned to the student’s current postsecondary goals. They help the student make informed decisions about continuing or changing those goals. Quality transition services and activities inform the student about their stated goals and help them determine how to clarify or change their postsecondary goals.

Annual Goals should address the student’s most significant barriers by targeting their academic, functional, and social needs. Ensuring that individual IEPs are aligned will better prepare them for their employment, education/training, and independent living goals.

CCLC has upcoming trainings for educators who want to strengthen their knowledge of transition IEPs and portfolios! These sessions are titled:

  • Developing Quality Transition IEPs
  • Using the Transition IEP to Focus Education and Build Relationships
  • Portfolios and Profiles: Portals to Competitive, Integrated Employment (CIE)

To register, visit the INSTRC Training and Technical Assistance webpage.

Bonus Tip: We invite you to participate in Comprehensive Transition Open Office Hours every Thursday from 2:30 to 4:30 PM Eastern Time. During these sessions, you can speak with subject matter experts in dedicated breakout rooms. CCLC staff can address inquiries concerning transition portfolios, Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), Social Security Work Incentives, Vocational Rehabilitation, and other transition-related topics. To join, use the Zoom link.