Postsecondary Ed Resources

Students with disabilities planning to attend college or a university must weigh a number of factors to find the right program and supports. Beyond finances, there’s housing, transportation, academic and peer tutoring, work experiences, career planning and internships, physical accessibility, and course design.

To help you help your students with their postsecondary exploration we’ve added a page in the Resource Collections section of the INSTRC website. “Postsecondary Education” offers links to articles about apps for college students, Is College for You? in English and Spanish, charts depicting the differences between college and high school, information for college students who are deaf-blind, and more. Take a look at INSTRC’s new collected “Postsecondary Education” resource page. 

The page also includes a direct link to the Center on Community Living and Careers’ webpage listing the Indiana transition and postsecondary programs for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities, also known as the TPSID programs. You can navigate to the page from the INSTRC Resource Collections page, or visit now at:   

And one last resource. Need authentic assessments for students with a postsecondary education goal? On the INSTRC Transition Matrix you’ll find both the “College Planning Worksheet” and an “On-Campus Visit Reflection” page, where students can document what they discovered after a campus tour.