The Transition IEP and Transition Portfolio Crosswalk

The Indiana Secondary Transition Resource Center (INSTRC) has created valuable resources to help you support students and families throughout the transition process. The Transition IEP and Transition Portfolio Crosswalk explains how each component of the Transition IEP aligns with and can be used within the Transition Portfolio. Today’s tip highlights two sections within the Transition IEP and the Transition Portfolio: Student Information and Present Levels and Progress Monitoring.

Student information is personally identifiable information on a student such as their home address, phone number, and email address. Student information is pertinent to the Transition Portfolio as it is a way for employers to reach the student via mail, phone, or email. Any information or documentation shared in the Transition Portfolio is considered an artifact, or evidence.

The Present Levels of Academic Performance and Progress Monitoring within the IEP is a rich story describing the student's strengths and needs. Data provided in this section explains how the student’s disability affects their progress in all environments. Information from this section is valuable within the Transition Portfolio as it communicates the student’s progress on IEP goals, and any supports the student needs to be successful academically and on the job.

By using the Transition IEP and Transition Portfolio Crosswalk, you can easily identify how the IEP fulfills many of the information needs of the Transition Portfolio.

Bonus Tips

INSTRC is excited to offer 2025 intensive Transition IEP and Transition Portfolio Trainings, “From Transition IEP Knowledge to Portfolio Application.” These trainings consist of 6 separate one and a half hour sessions focusing on quality aspects of each section of the transition IEP and how these sections intersect with a quality transition portfolio. All sessions will include breakout room work sessions where you can ask questions and access additional support.

Each session will cost $35 and run from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm ET.

Upcoming dates:

  • February 5: Transition IEP and Transition Portfolio Intersections – Present Levels
  • February 12: Transition IEP and Transition Portfolio Intersections – Transition Assessments and Postsecondary Goals
  • February 19: Transition IEP and Transition Portfolio Intersections – Transition Services and Activities
  • February 26: Transition IEP and Transition Portfolio Intersections – Annual Goal Statements
  • March 5: Quality Transition Portfolio Format, Uses, and Examples
  • March 12: Transition IEP and Transition Portfolio Work Session Breakout Rooms

To register for these upcoming webinars, visit the INSTRC Training and Technical Assistance webpage.