Assistive Technology and Transition

This week we’re highlighting “Assistive Technology and the Transition Process from High School,” a publication of the INDATA Project of Easterseals Crossroads. The eight-page reference document explains the often overlooked role of assistive technology (AT) in helping students achieve their postsecondary goals.

AT for students in transition can range from an adapted pencil to an adapted vehicle. It’s really any product or device that can enable people with disabilities to “increase their independence and lead more fulfilling lives.” 

In addition to including a transition timeline as it relates to AT, the INDATA guide also explains the need for a thorough assessment of a potential workplace or college/university setting as well as evaluation, consultation, technical support, and training to ensure a seamless transition. The guide provides phone numbers and websites not only to Easterseals, but also to state and federal employment and disability service agencies involved in transition.